Errors and omissions liability insurance coverage
for your business from mistakes made.

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Mistakes happen. Errors and omissions insurance may help protect your business.

When general liability insurance isn’t enough.

You might think that general liability insurance covers every liability risk you face, but that would be an expensive mistake. This is where errors and omissions liability insurance, or E&O, comes into play. It helps to cover your business and your employees against claims of negligence or actions taken that harm someone else. If your business provides professional services or advises others, you may want to consider having an E&O policy to help safeguard your assets.

What errors and omissions liability insurance covers.

In simple terms, general liability insurance covers the costs of physical damage, whether that be to a person or your business property. Insurance may cover financial losses that other people—such as clients—suffer because of your actions or lack thereof. Coverage may include court costs as well as settlement costs, depending on your policy and the limits.

Does your business need E&O coverage?

If your business offers professional advice or services, such as financial professionals, contractors, non-profits, engineers, doctors, legal professionals, and the like, you’ll want to consider having an E&O policy for your business.

How much is errors and omissions liability insurance?

The cost of an E&O policy may vary depending on your business type, your location, and if your business has had lawsuits or claims made against you in the past.

Which businesses benefit from E&O coverage?

This most commonly involves businesses that give professional advice to their clients. However, with some policies, it may also involve unintentional violations of copyright and other intellectual property law or defamation, such as libel. For companies that provide advice, an E&O policy is essential. It may also prove useful for companies that supply software and similar tools that clients might then use for their own businesses. You’ll want to consider an errors and omissions liability insurance policy that will cover both the costs of any damages themselves and the costs of defending claims for your business.

Are you looking for an errors and omissions liability insurance policy for your business? Contact us to go over your business, the risks you face, and what your coverage options are.

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