BSB’s HR Consulting Specialist utilizes the resources of over 20 years of experience to aid the HR department and company on projects. Accomplishing short-term goals saving substantial time and money. Let’s face it, it can be hard for HR and managers to find the extra time needed to develop effective plans and execution strategies on top of their host of other duties. BSB HR Consulting can provide an objective viewpoint, which allows for more diverse ideas than could be provided solely by employees within the organization. Focused specific work projects allow businesses the ability to grow, rather than simply attempting to maintain the status quo.
Helping companies improve their workers requires ongoing training and development. This can include on-site, job-specific skill training, or development in areas such as communications, time management, customer service, accident investigation, and leadership skills. BSB Consultants provides seminars and workshops, helping businesses develop their most important asset their employees. Engagements include development of mission, vision, values and strategic plans; executive retreat facilitation; leader coaching; talent assessment; facilitated learning.
Provide expertise in legal compliance, regarding U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines, as well as state rules and regulations. BSB Consultants helps businesses review employee handbooks with policies and procedures and best practices. We can also do an HR audit of everything you currently in place.
The provision of quality outplacement services helps your organization be viewed favorably by the departing employee, customers, and members of the public. While increasing loyalty and satisfaction from remaining employees. Taking care of those who have taken care of you is the right thing to do. Taking this step, you prove that you are a reputable company and that you have the style, substance, and grace. Outplacement services increase employees’ ability to find work quicker with the additional support provided. Minimizing your liability for unemployment compensation payments and reduces lawsuit claims for unlawful dismissal.